to the
Catholic Parish
St. John Paul II,
Good Shepherd, Woodthorpe with St Anthony's of Calverton

Holy Mass: St Anthony's

Holy Mass is offered at St Anthony's parish at the following times each week:

Sundays : 11.15am

Wednesdays: 9.15am

Please check weekly newsletter for any Mass changes.

Holy Mass : Good Shepherd Church

Holy Mass is offered at the Church of the Good Shepherd at the following times each week:

Saturday (Vigil Mass), 6.00pm

Sunday, 8.00am, 9.45am and 5.30pm (for the time being)

Weekdays - please see the parish newsletter as the times of weekday Masses can differ each week.


Usually on Friday, 11.30-11.50am

Saturday, 10.45-11.30am and 5.00-5.45pm

First Saturday of the month: from 11am-12noon

(please note these times can be suspended according to other liturgical requirements (e.g. Weddings etc…) Please check the weekly Newsletter for changes via website.)


Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is available in the Church of the Good Shepherd at the following times each week:

Usually Fridays: 11.00am-11.45am prior to 12noon Holy Mass

Saturdays: 5pm-5.45pm prior to Vigil Holy Mass

First Saturday of the Month Holy Hour 11am-12noon

Tuesdays: weekly 6pm-7pm

Eucharistic Miracle Exhibition

Monthly Latin Mass

1st Mass of Sunday and fulfils the Sunday obligation

1962 Rite (Tridentine Mass) takes place on Saturday before the second Sunday of the month at 4.30pm.

View original images: www.facebook.com

3 Thackeray's Lane, Woodthorpe, Nottingham, NG5 4HT. Tel: (0115) 926 8288